Strength Building Moves- By: Josh R. Rhodes

Description : There are several components to working out based on what you are looking to achieve. Whether you are looking to increase strength, build endurance, or tone and define certain muscles, your main objective dictates what type of exercises you should be performing. This article will look at increasing strength, how it happens and what the best exercises to increase strength are.

Ideally, to build overall strength and development, exercisers should utilize a variety of compound exercises. Compound exercises are defined as movements that utilize more than one joint. Compound exercises are a great choice for beginners as well as seasoned athletes. They also help reduce the time spent at the gym by combining certain muscles groups allowing you to work out more efficiently.

One of the best exercises for anyone is the barbell squat. Often called the king of all weight lifting exercises, the squat not only develops the quadriceps but the glutes, hamstrings, core muscles, and lower back muscles. Depending on your arm position, your upper body can also be thoroughly engaged during this primarily lower body exercise. Try modifying this exercise if you aren't getting the results you want by turning it into a plie squat, sumo squat, split squat, one legged squat, or a jump squat.

Another fantastic compound exercise to add to your routine right away is the deadlift, either variation. Both the traditional deadlift and straight leg deadlift are compound exercises that develop the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, erector spinae, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi muscles. This exercise is second only to the squat in both its effectiveness and muscle growth abilities and is relatively easy to perform.

So far, we've looked at two major lower body strength building exercises. Let's examine the most effective upper body exercise guaranteed to build strength and a remarkable physique.

When was the last time you performed a chin up? To perform this you should hang from an overhead bar, palms facing towards you, and pull your body up with your arms until your chin is above the bar. A chin up works most upper back muscles, like the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and rhomboid muscles as well as your biceps and forearms depending on your grip position. The chin up is easy to modify depending on your fitness level. Try using a chair for support if you are a beginner or adding a weighted belt if you are an intermediate level exerciser.

Some of the most beneficial exercises that you can do are low cost and do not require a machine to perform. It's no wonder that the exercises that help you the most tend to be the most natural ones available.

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Author Resource : Josh has been writing for many years on topics that interest him. An example of one of his websites is which provides information on the Oster 10 speed blender.